Step 1:
Install BOSS 64 bit version
Extract the Samba source kept under /opt
Open terminal and run below commands as admin user
cd /opt/samba-4.1.17
make install
Step 2:
Once the Samba is installed successfully , we can provision the samba domain now.
Configure and Setup a Static IP for the machine. Eg:
Provide a Unique Hostname for the server. Eg: bossbigserver
Decide a Domain name that need to be given for the provision . Eg: rmdlab.lan
So the FQDN for the machine will be bossbigserver.rmdlab.lan
Add the Domain name as the default entry in /etc/resolv.conf .
search rmdlab.lan
domain rmdlab.lan
Once all these steps are done , open terminal and run below commands as admin user
cd /usr/local/samba
bin/samba-tool domain provision
Give rmdlab.lan as the domain name
For other values give the default answers
For Bind configuration provide the local ip I.e
Give a strong Admin password with all alphanumeric and punctuation combiantion
Once all the above values are given properly , the samba will be provisioned successfully.
Step 3:
Once done , run
This should start Samba service , check it in
sudo ps aux | grep samba
Step 4:
Adding users to Samba:
/usr/local/samba/bin/samba-tool user add
Give a strong password for the users with all the combinations.
To list all the users added to the domain , use
/usr/local/samba/bin/samba-tool user list
Setting NFS HOME:
Open terminal and run below commands as admin user
mkdir /var/home
chmod 777 /var/home
Open /etc/exports and add below entry
exporfs -a
/etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
Now the Client machine can be authenticated from Server with Samba
username and passwrod
credntials and have the Home directory under /var/home in server.