Monday, December 26, 2011

Configuring TVS MSP Classic 455 XL Printer In BOSS

.Open the System -> Printing -> add
2.Then Select the Printer Connected to Parallel Port or Detected Printer name is TVS MSP 455XL Classic
3.Before Proceed you check out the Path of Downloaded PPD file.
4.Choose the ppd file named TVSE9W136COL.ppd.
5.And Finish the Configuration Steps by entering the location and Printer Identification.
6.Printer Was Successfully Configured

GRUB Recovery and Windows XP Recovery After Installing the BOSS

Issue 1:

We installed in the System having Preloaded Windows XP OS.
But it is not booted.
HCL EC2 PC Machine


1.Boot the System With BOSS Live DVD.
2.Open the System -> GParted and check whether the active partition flags set.
3.If default Linux Installed partition is set.we have to set Windows XP installed partion as a active partition.then it will load the grub loader.

Issue 2:

After recovering the grub loader it shows multiple boot entries in the boot menu  and Windows XP entry is missing from it.


1.Open the grub.cfg file in the directory path is: /boot/grub/grub.cfg with editing permission.

2.Keep one entry Delete all the remaining entries from the grub.cfg file.

3.Add the Windows XP entry in grub.cfg file.
Windows XP {
set root=(hd0,msdos1)
search --no-floppy --setuuid 00731573-1fc0-4e73-9a0f-5d4767c7da9e
chainloader +1

To generate uuid type following in the terminal

uuidgen /dev/sda1


4.Restart the System. Grub is loaded with optimal entries and select the windows xp entry then windows xp loaded successfully.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wep Bounti HQ 1070 -DX Configuration in BOSS

printer named Wep Bounti HQ 1070 -DX

Driver used for configure this printer is Epson -> DotMatrix -> OK

The printer successfully configured.

Configure the Network Device in BOSS With Live & Installable DVD

Because of the live ISO installed it was unable to detect the network device and we are not able configure the network device.

Solution to this issue we open the /etc/network/interfaces file do the changes follows

auto eth0
allow-hotplug eth0
#iface eth0 inet dhcp   //modified this one
iface eth0 inet static   //modified this one

then restart the network service by type it in command line

sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart

Then Network device is configured sucessfully.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

HP LaserJet Printer Configuration in BOSS (GNU/Linux)

This process will common for all HP Printers like HP LJ P 1007, P1020,P1020 plus,1022,3050 MFP, M 5035 MFP,P 2015N and Configuring the HP Fax device,for Fax Number needed.

1.To configure the HP Laser Jet 1020 open the terminal and type the following

sudo apt-get install hp-setup -i

i” denotes setup process with interactive mode

This setup need the internet connection to download the appropraite plugins.
Other wise download the appropriate plugin.


In this step choose the printer connection type one of the following

0 usb
1 net network printer
2 par parallel port(LPT)

After entering the type as usb then input is '0'


Then this idenify the device connected USB Port and begin to install the plugin by asking

d download from interner
p specify the path
q quit the hp-setup

input is d then it will start the download and proceeds the installation process


Installation is starts with license agreement page to install agree the terms and conditions otherwise cancel if do not wish to agree and quit the installation.


Then asking the name for the print queue with the 3 Options
m=use model name: “Hp_Laser-jet 1020”

Choose the m to name the print queue.

6.Then it will find the respective ppd file name and it will ask whether the name appeared ppd file is the correct one with 3 options

7.Then installation ask you want enter the additional information or notes for this printer
with q=quit option.
Then it will the add the print queue to CUPS.


installation process asks whether you want print the test page with 3 options

if yes test page is send to print.

Linux Kernel Compilation

 Step 1: Install Required Packages Install additional packages before building a kernel. To do so, run this command: sudo apt-get install gi...